Meditation / Still Qigong

Mediation /Still Qigong  is an energy cultivation practice to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. It lays emphasis on quiet, motionless meditation, generally employing methods of internal concentration and regulation of breathing. It opens one to profound realizations about the unconscious patterns of the mind that […]

Taiji (Tai Chi)

Taiji (Tai Chi), the ancient Chinese art, involves a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing. It is generally safe for all ages and fitness levels, especially older adult who may not be suitable for other exercises. The benefits of Taiji include but not limited to Decreased stress, […]


We are in network with Independence Blue Cross Blue Shield. We are out-of-network providers for other plans. We accept Auto insurance and Workman’s compensation. Please email us your name, date of birth and member ID to,  we will verify if you have any coverage for acupuncture. Once the benefits are established we will contact […]


Welcome to our beautiful clinic in the heart of downtown Malvern. We are located on 2nd floor in the Malvern Design Center, next to Sheffield Furniture & Interiors building. First time patients are advised to schedule a 1.5 hour Initial Session, which includes health history intake, physical examination and treatment. The follow-ups are hour-long sessions. […]

Skin issues

How are skin problems treated with Chinese Medicine?   The most common skin conditions that can be treated with acupuncture and Oriental medicine include acne, rosacea, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, pruritus, dry or itchy skin, shingles and urticaria (hives). Acupuncture and Chinese herbs treat skin diseases in a unique manner. Treatment and diagnosis are tailored to each […]


Acudetox: Acupuncture for Addiction Acupuncture is increasingly used for addiction. In fact, one specific type of acupuncture, called auricular acupuncture, or acudetox, involves inserting needles in the outer part of the ear to help quiet symptoms of withdrawal.   The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association endorses acudetox as part of a comprehensive treatment program for addiction. […]


acupuncture has been widely used in the management of gastrointestinal disorders. Uncontrolled data on the clinical use of acupuncture is packed with unjustified enthusiasm. Pilot studies have shown that acupuncture is effective in a wide range of gastrointestinal disorders including nausea and vomiting, functional disorders (irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and diarrhea), peptic ulcer disease, Crohn’s […]

Urinary Issues

According to the British medical journal, various studies have shown Acupuncture to be a safe, effective, and minimally invasive method for treating various urinary conditions, including overactive bladder and frequent urination, incontinence, UTIs, cystitis, and bladder pain as a result of such conditions. It has also been shown to be effective treatment for IBS and […]


Infertility is defined as one year of unprotected intercourse which does not result in conception. Approximately 2.6 million American couples suffer from infertility. The cause of infertility may stem from either partner. Approximately 60% of infertility cases are due to female conditions, while 40% are due to male conditions. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers hope […]

Respiratory and ENT

“Acupuncture relaxes all the muscles around the chest wall. It’s consistent with what we’re trying to do conventionally, which helps patients with their breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. When people feel less breathless their quality of life improves dramatically.”